Florida Maintenance Tips
Home maintenance is crucial for keeping a home in top value. Even though the climate in Florida is mild
and doesn’t cause problems, homeowners should still take care of their homes on a regular basis. Of
course, some of the maintenance activities should be conducted more frequently than others. The
following is a list of Florida maintenance tips divided into different categories.
On a monthly basis
– Replace the air filters of your HVAC system
– Inspect, and after that, clean or replace kitchen ventilation hood filters
– Flush all the toilets and run warm water through the sinks. This is especially important in the
bathrooms that are not used frequently.
On a quarterly basis
– Inspect your home’s exterior drainage. In this way, you will ensure that there is nothing that
causes standing water to puddle for over 24 hours and that all water regardless of its source is
not ending in your home’s foundation.
– It is highly recommended to test the GFCIs (Ground fault circuit interrupters) for normal
operations by tripping the test buttons and resetting them after that manually. In case they
don’t trip or rest, call a licensed electrician.
– Inspect and clean all the exterior vents. Check whether the air flows freely and that each vent
has a fully functioning damper to prevent back flow of outside air and to keep insects or small
animals from entering your home.
– Lubricate all overhead garage door hinges with high-quality garage door lubricant.
– Inspect and clean all weep holes on the windows to ensure proper water drainage.
On a seasonal basis
– Call a licensed HVAC contractor to service your HVAC system every six months. In this way, you
will extend the lifespan of your HVAC system and optimize its work.
– Inspect and caulk these areas two times a year as needed:
Bathrooms and kitchen
Flushing areas
The siding
Around all wall penetrations (fireplace, duct work from vents, faucets, hose and chimney
Around window and doors
Interior settling or shrinkage cracks on the sheetrock and trim
Mortar or stucco cracks
A man is cleaning a clogged roof gutter from dirt, debris and fallen leaves to prevent water damage and let rainwater drain properly.
– Make sure that the gutters are free of debris that could prevent free water flow. In addition,
make sure that you have splash blocks at the base of the gutter downspouts to help deflect
water away from your home’s foundation.
– Inspect and adjust the sprinkler system to avoid spraying your home. Adjust the timers for your
county’s watering days to optimize the use of water.
On an annual basis
– Drain and refill your hot water heaters. It is possible that you will have to do this more
frequently – it all depends on the current water conditions in your area.
– Inspect and test the hot water heater TPR valve.
– Inspect the garage door/s, rails, and lock system. Adjust and lubricate if needed.
– Clean the faucet aerators and inspect the plumbing fixtures for potential leaks.
– Clean and sharpen the garbage disposal by running a tray of ice cubes and depositing a cleaning
(foaming) product into the disposal.
– Inspect your home’s fire extinguishers and replace them if needed.
– Replace the batteries in your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide detectors.
Follow these maintenance tips to keep your home’s value and your quality of life.