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4 Point Inspection St. Augustine FL

The Best 4 Point Inspection St. Augustine, FL Services

4 Point Inspection St. Augustine, FL Services

A “Four Point Inspection” focuses only on four main areas:
  • Roof

    Eaves, Soffits, Shingles, etc.

  • Plumbing

    Connections & Fixtures

  • Electrical

    Wiring & Panels

  • HVAC

    Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning

whats included in 4 Point Inspection St. Augustine FL

Why Do I Need A whats included in 4 Point Inspection St. Augustine, FL?

Insurance companies have become increasingly reluctant to issue Homeowner Insurance Policies on older homes (usually 25 years old or more).

Their common concern is that there may be conditions in an older home that could become a liability to them. For instance; a home with a roof nearing the end of its reliable service life may fail while under the policy and the homeowner may seek reimbursement from their insurance company for damages to the home or its contents. Similar concerns extend to the condition of the HVAC, electrical and plumbing systems in an older home. If these elements are in poor condition, in need of being updated or replaced or were improperly installed, they may fail and cause fire or water damage to a home.

This is why you need to get a 4 Point Inspection St. Augustine, FL.


St. Augustine, FL

St. Augustine is the oldest continuously occupied city in the United States. It was founded by Spanish explorers in 1565. It’s the county seat of St. Johns County, and it’s part of the Jacksonville Metropolitan Area.

The city proper has a population of about 13,700 according to the most recent available census data, with estimates of the outlying areas increasing this number to about 70,000. The city is mostly made up of Caucasians, with about 84.2% of the population identifying as Caucasian or white. 11.6% of the population was African-American, and 5.1% were Hispanic or Latino. Other minority populations include Native Americans, as well as Pacific Islanders and other Asian people.

4 Point Inspection St. Augustine FL FAQs

  • Is There A Standard Form To Fill Out?

    There is no industry-wide standard form for a Four Point Inspection. Some insurance companies provide their own forms; however, most insurance companies will accept forms from companies that perform home inspections provided that they are filled out by qualified individuals. Inside & Out Property Inspectors has developed a form that meets the requirements of most insurance companies in South Florida. They are signed by a licensed Professional Engineer.

  • Can I Fill Out The Form Myself?

    Insurance companies want these forms filled out by certain qualified individuals such as a licensed Professional Engineer, Electrician, General or Roofing Contractor.

  • I Had A Home Inspection Before I Purchased The Home. Can I Use That Report Instead Of Getting A Four Point Inspection Report?

    The insurance companies do not want large reports that contain other information. They want only specific information about the HVAC, plumbing, electrical system and roof in a short one or two page signed document. Before you pay for a home inspection you should research with your insurance company if they will require a Four Point Inspection Report. You can end up paying twice for much of the same service and information gathering.

Because of the size of a Standard Home Inspection Report from Inside & Out Property Inspectors, it is not in a format that your insurance company needs. You should check with your insurance company in advance to see if our Four Point Inspection form will satisfy their requirements. We cannot guarantee they will accept our form and additional charges will apply if we have to use their form.

Service Areas

St. Augustine

St. Augustine Beach


Ponte Verde Beach

Client Testimonials

The Inside & Out team was great. They answered all our questions and helped us understand what needs to be done on our new home.

The two inspectors who came to the property I am attempting to buy were very thorough. They explained things I requested they explain to me.

They arrived on time and got right to work. The wore shoe covers through the entire inspection. They answered all of my question. I definitely recommend them!