Why Do The Windows Leak When it Rains?
Depending on where you live, you may get a lot or very little rain. So when it rains, you may or may not notice if your window leaks. Next time it does storm, take a walk around the inside of your house and look for rainwater coming in through the windows. Why do the windows leak when it rains? It could be because of the cracked sealant, gutters, or missing flashing to name a few.
Let’s take a look at problems with window leaks when it rains, how to find the source of the window leaks when it rains, and how to prevent future leaks.
Problems With Window Leaks When it Rains
No one wants a leaky window in the home. We all know that water coming into a house and mixing with drywall, flooring, etc. is not a good combination and there can be big problems that result from this. Let’s look at some of those problems below.
Mold Can Grow From Window Leaks When it Rains
As the water seeps into the home from the rain, it causes the mold spores to grow. This starts 24-48 hours after the water begins to come into the home. Once you see the mold, you will need to call a professional to help get it out of your home.
Rotting Wood
As water comes into the house when it rains and continues to soak specific areas, it also starts to cause the wood to decay and house deterioration. This can happen anywhere in the home and cause structural issues.
Electrical Hazard
Rain coming in through the window can cause an electrical hazard if there is an outlet near the point of entry or where the water spills over to the flooring. Be careful about using any electrical outlets that have been near a leak. It is best to choose one away from the water to be safe. Ask an electrician to take a look at an outlet you think has been exposed to water before using it.
Discolored Walls and Loss of Aesthetic Appeal
Walls can become discolored due to the water leaking around the windows. The colors can be yellow, brown, or create a ring where the water has come in. They make the house look less appealing, may cause mold, and mildew and is something to take care of right away. One way to fix this is to use a stain blocker type paint to cover it up. However, do this after fixing the water problem.
Drop in Home Value
While the water leak continues, the home value can drop if it is not taken care of. The home is probably the most expensive purchase you will ever make and you want to be able to get the longest amount of years out of it as possible. The last thing you want is for a known problem to start to cause deterioration on your house and a drop in home value.
How to Find the Source of the Window Leaks When it Rains
Forming of Condensation
This effect shows poor insulation and where the warmer area in the home has met with cooler areas outside. This can cause damage just like rainwater so it is important to have it checked out.
Wall Leaks
The leaks may not be from the window after all and actually issues with siding or the roof or other areas. This can occur through damaged siding, cracked stucco, or poor paint. It is a good idea to call in a professional to check to see where the leak actually is.
Missing or cracked sealant or caulk
Sealant and caulk should be continuous around the frames. You can fill it in if it is not and this will provide more protection
Improper or Lack of Overhangs on the Home and Fascia
If you have overhangs, these should divert the water away from the home. However, the water can create puddles in the yard and splash up on the outside. Keep an eye out for water getting into the home this way and through windows. Fascia is the board above the window and should be angled away from the house. If it is not, it will cause water to come in.
Clogged Gutters Can Cause Window Leaks When it Rains
Cleaning the debris in the gutters so water and other particles can flow through and stay off the house is important. If the gutters are clogged, they can overflow and cause water to back up into the home.
Improperly Installed or Missing Flashing Can Cause Window Leaks When it Rains
The flashing is installed under the siding and keeps the rainwater off the house. However, if it was not installed properly or missing, the water can go behind the siding and then leak down the house wrap and into the opening where the window is. This can be very expensive to fix and you will need a professional.
Gaps in Siding, Loose Roofing, Unsealed Chimney
Check for all of these and seal them, reattach roofing, and seal the chimney to keep water (and critters) out.
Clogged Weep Hole
A weep hole allows the water to fall out of window tracks, not back into the home. Just like with gutters and drainage areas, keep it clean so the water can properly drain out of window tracks.
How to Prevent Future Window Leaks When it Rains
Keep up with maintenance– Check caulking around the windows, clean drain channels, check roof shingles, and caulk gaps to name a few. Spring may be a good time before the summer rains come to check. Paint around the windows disintegrates over time and needs reapplying and spring is a great time to do this as well.
Finally, life is busy and it is easy to forget to do maintenance on the home and to check the areas mentioned above. However, rainwater coming into the home will cause even bigger issues down the road. If you need help with figuring out where the water is coming from or need Inside and Out inspection to check around the home for maintenance, let us know! Can you think of other areas not mentioned above? Leave us a reply below, we would love to hear from you!